Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mambo Jumbo

Well 1stly thank u to all of u guys out there..finally we manage to finish(almost) done the song (with just 9 mesurement ie 9 bars) for nearly 2 long do we take for 90 measure?..u guys calculate do ur "homeworx" guys plizz..this coming March..n April..(and all u guys out there..can u help me out?..plizz find any OLD GIRLS from this schools n if they are around lets invite them together n i think i need your help to fill up a blog for our BAND..the site is already on..just need "bahan"..


E.C.A e.m.A.i.a said...

need blog for our band???

E.C.A e.m.A.i.a said...

btw sir...
i've blog..
dun forget drop by kay!!
n comments too...

evaAniki said...

owh....I got one senior... an sis's best friend...I'll try to contact her later...

jebat said...

Thank u Eva n Eca


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