As for 2day 4th of may..is a big day for Lollypop, shes turning 17th..sweet 17th..i know d feeling when u were surrounded by ur love ones..ur frens..they all (including me) very eager to wish u..well Happy Birthday Eza..we all loves u..
No band training..just a meeting regarding past showtime..sometimes its sickenning ur ears to heard few bad things about the band..some of it blame me..(if they can make it better with the band..be my guest)..yeah..when u r wrong..u r wrong then..so gurls, behave ok..
At the same time have to train the U15 Volleyball team..not a very good team..and such limited time i have..just hope for the best(the pic!!yeah its from ur blog)
yeah! i dnt even knw it..
well, tq again!!
like eca said..wat u have we have it
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